Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fiction blog post #2

Should the United States risk an entire Seal team for just one person?
This is a typical Seal team
This is a single hostage, in a Seal's case this would usually be a US hostage

                    Risking an entire Seal team for just one person is more beneficial than not trying to save a person at all. United States Navy Seals are highly trained specialists in the battlefield. Navy Seals are a special operations group who specialize in high risk operations that have been helping to fight the war on terror. Terrorists like to take people, usually people of high importance and knowledge of their government, hostage and try to extract information from them. Many US ambassadors and government agents get kidnapped and held hostage for information about the US government or military. This is what the Navy Seals are used for, they go in and save these high-up officials and rescue them from the terrorists. Many of these operations are very deadly for the Seals and can risk their lives. In the novel Act of Valor by Dick Couch, a Seal team goes into a hostage situation to save the life of Lisa Morales, a CIA agent who was kidnapped by a columbian drug lord. As Lisa was being tortured for information about what she knows about the plans of the US government on the columbian drug lord, Seal team seven comes in to rescue her. Things do not go so smoothly in the operation when one member of the team takes a bullet to the head. "Blood immediately washed his face as he lay inert on his back in front of the door"(112). As Mikey from the Seal team gets shot in the eye, the rest of team manages to carry out the mission and save Lisa Morales. Mikey does survive thanks to his instinctive training. If the Seals did not go in to save Lisa Morales she would either most likely be dead, or have given very important information to the terrorists. There are cons to sending an entire Seal team into the mission such as risking their lives. Seals know this risk and know that losing their life is a possibility. Seals take this risk because they know that they are the most effective and best trained fighters there are. They are trained trained for these situations and missions so they are less likely to lose their lives than Lisa Morales is to lose hers. Mikey does lose his eye in this case but it saved Lisa Morales life and protected the United States. It is important to keep Seals active in duty rescuing important hostages and protecting our country.


Monday, May 5, 2014

Essential Question Blog Post

Topic: War
Essential Question: Should the United States continue to take action in the war on terror?
Claim: The United States should continue to take action in the war on terror.
This a popular image of Uncle Sam informing US citizens to take part in the war on terror
Reason: The United States should continue to take action in the war on terror because it protects the United States by preventing futher attacks. Ever since the United States has taken part in the war after 9/11 there has been a substantial decrease in terroist activity towards the US. Even though the war is not over, it is dclining. The US has been safer since we have taken action into the war and if the US withdraws terroists activity will rise again.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fiction Blog Post #1

Compare and contrast the difficulties the Navy Seals face on and off the battlefield and which is more difficult for them

Navy Seals on the battlefield fighting
A Navy Seal off duty caring for his new born baby
                The hardships that Seals face off the battlefield are more difficult for Seals than the ones on the battlefield. The Navy Seals are a special forces unit in the US navy. The Seals are rigorously trained to combat and are extremely deadly on the battlefield. Off the battlefield is another story for the Seals, many have wives and famalies back home who struggle without a father figure whenever the Seals get deported. In the novel"Act of Valor" by Tom Clancy, these specific hardships are brought up in the plot. One of the main characters Engel, a Navy Seal in Seal team seven, finds out that his wife is pregnant! This is great news except he also finds out that he is getting deployed soon so he will miss his wives pregnancy and his child's birth. "How to be a dad? This for real? You and Jackie going to launch one?"(24). Engel doesn't outwardly show his concern for his baby but the author underlies it in the text. Engel only reads what really interests him or concerns him. For example he brought to the diner, Nautical Warfare and How to be a dad. His concern for his child already shows in his choices of books. As Engel gets ready for his next deployment he can only ponder what it will be like to be a father and the experiences he will be missing. It is these experiences that are difficult for the Seals. While killing bad guys and getting the job done is all almost easy work for them due to their training, looking after their families is a bit harder. As Seals are used to being in high intense situations all the time, simply conversing with your wife can be very hard due to all of the lost time with your family. A lot of military marriages end up in divorce due to the lack of time spent together. Seals don't get training for that, they are not used to family life that much, they are more tuned towards war and combat. This is why the difficulties off the battlefield are harder for Seals than the ones on the battlefield.                                                                                                                                 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Survey Results

Our survey results have been skewed due to non realistic answers. There was one decent response on the other hand, their results show that their training helps tremendously in combat. It is hard to explain how to maintain relationships over seas, and how valuable life is.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Special Forces

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Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Objective Summary #4

Kameron Quackenbush
English 10
17 March 2014
            In pages 228-304 of the biography, "American Sniper", by Chris Kyle, Chris finally comes home from his second deployment, but he till has struggles away from the war. Chris's marriage is starting to fall apart as his wife, Taya, has had to take on all of the responsibilities of raising their children alone. Taya gave birth to their second child just after Chris left for his second deployment. Taya is becoming very annoyed and almost angry with Chris because this is the second time he has missed out on raising his own child. When Chris returned from the war he expected his marriage and home life to pick up immediately, but his relationship with Taya was at a stand still. As his third deployment was coming up, things got worse. Chris had to choose between staying in the states and raising his family and marriage, or going back into the action of the war. Chris explains how this was one of the hardest decisions of his life. He did what he thought was right in his heart, he chose war. Taya was torn and truly concerned about their marriage. She believed that when Chris made this decision to return to war, that this meant he loved and cared more about his platoon and killing insurgents than he did about their marriage and family. Chris truly did love the war, it's his passion. Chris states that in his mind if he is fit and in his right mind then he should be fighting for his country. Chris assured Taya that this will be his last deployment, but Taya is weary about it. As Chris gets ready to deploy out to the middle east again he is assigned to a new team. The brothers he has fought with for the past four years are now getting replaced with completely new SEALS that Chris has to deal with. Chris knew it would happen eventually, but he never wanted it to actually happen. He now has to get familiar with his new crew of soldiers and get ready to fight again.
This is the navy seal logo, the trident. It represents how the SEALS are more important to Chris than his family and marriage.

Kyle, Chris, and Scott McEwen. "Pg.228-304." American sniper: the autobiography of the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history. New York: W. Morrow, 2012. Pg.228-304. Print.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Objective Summary of pages 76-152 of American Sniper

 Kameron Quackenbush
English 10
3 March 2014

                 In pages 76-152, of the autobiography "American Sniper", written by Chris Kyle, Chris tells the reader what he struggled through when he was finally deported of to the Middle East. Chris could not wait to finally get some action when he arrived in Iraq. Chris had to wait forever and a day before he was eventually deported. It was bittersweet for Chris as he arrived in Iraq, he had to patrol the borders but there was never any real action for him, just a lot of waiting around. Chris wasn't very pleased and wanted to get into the action, his wife on the other hand was extremely relieved. Ever since Chris decided to join the military, his wife Taya, has been worried sick and dreads every time he gets deported. It doesn't help when they just had a newborn son right after Chris got deported. Chris reminisces about he missed out on his sons early stages of life. He greatly regrets it especially since Chris's father was always there for him. With Chris deported and Taya at home with the newborn, it was a very stressful time in the Kyle household. Chris's wife Taya, talks about how she was afraid to answer any phone call while Chris was away as well as how she could not communicate any way to him unless Chris called her, which was not as often as it should have been. Taya and Chris started to fade from talking to each other because Taya was caught up with the baby and Chris was not allowed to communicate with them. This was very troubling to their marriage. Overall this section in my novel was a very stressful and anxious time in Chris's life.

This is a sniper patroling the borders of Iraq, something very similar to what Chris was doing while he was over seas.

Kyle, Chris, Scott McEwen, and Jim DeFelice. "Page 76- Page 152." American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History. New York: W. Morrow, 2012. N. pag. Print.

Special Forces Tech Friday #2

Friday, February 28, 2014

Special Forces

Hello, we are three students that live in Danville California and we attend San Ramon Valley high school. We are all sophomores and have great school spirit and pride. Besides our extracurricular activities such as baseball, soccer, and football, we all mainly focus on our academic careers. We all have hopes of attending a 4-year college after high school and living prosperous and healthy lives. The reason we are talking about joining the Special Forces is because it provides numerous opportunities to succeed in life. With all of this said, joining the armed forces can change your life no matter what your circumstances are. If you are struggling in school it will provide a great education in college, it will put you in the best physical shape of your life, you create life long bonds with your other soldiers, it can teach you lessons that will last a lifetime on how to be a better person, as well as serving and protecting your country.

Special Forces

Friday, January 31, 2014

Lord of the Flies Analytical Paragraph

Piggy's Specs
              Piggy's spec's represent power and control on the island and which ever boy posseses the specs has the power. Throughout Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, the boys use Piggy's specs in order to make fire. Piggy's specs were the only possible way to make fire on the island. Whoever had the specs possesed fire, or power. At the beginning of the novel the boys need to find out how to make a fire, Ralph geniously figured out that Piggy's specs can be used as a fire starter. Once Jack started to become a savage and left Ralph with the other boys they realized they could not thrive and be succesful without Piggy's specs for fire. Jack and his tribe quickly realized that Piggy's specs were an essential item. "He was a chief now in truth; and he made stabbing motions with his spear. From his left hand dangled Piggy's broken glasses"(168). Throughout the novel so far, Piggy's specs have been used to start fire. As Jack strayed from the boys and made his own savage like tribe, he realized that the only was for his tribe to be in full control over Ralph and the island, was to attain Piggy's specs. After Jack took Piggy's specs after raiding Ralph's camp he essentially had all of the power on the island which in turn simply turned Jack into a bigger savage. This downfall of Ralph's camp made them go into Jack's camp and try and retrieve the specs, which ultimately caused the downfall of Piggy and Ralph and the uprising of savagry. Towards the end of the novel when the savages have taken over the island and are chasing after Ralph,the savages, led by Jack, are stuck in a dilema. Ralph has burrowed himself in some bushes in order to evade death but Jack decides to smoke him out of the bushes, using the specs. This fire that Jack has created ends up catching the fire ablaze. "Then Ralph was running beneath trees, with the grumble of the forest explained. They had smoked him out and set the island on fire"(197). The savages have succesfully smoked Ralph out using Piggy's specs, but by doing so they have set the entire island on fire. Piggy's specs show how Jack had complete control over Ralph, and the island. The specs gave Jack the power to make Ralph come out of the safe thicket. Without the specs Ralph could have stayed in the thicket for as long as he wanted to. Since the specs were in the hands of Jack, a savage, the entire island was set ablaze which was the downfall of the island. If Ralph had kept control of the specs, I believe that the fate of the island would have been completly different. Piggy's specs showed who had control and power on the island as well as the fate of the island based on who had control.